- The afternoon of Thursday, March 17 will be all online (via zoom) and will feature contributed talks.
- The morning of Friday, March 18 will be online and in-person at the Outdoor Campus West in Rapid City. It will feature a symposium on Climate Resilience and Adaptation and symposium-related breakout-group discussions.
Finally, as a heads up, participation in each part of the workshop will require pre-registration (still no fee!) to help the planning committee prepare technology- and safety-wise – See hyperlink for registration – https://tnc.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUrd-2ppz8uGdYKxZvbihxzfVGLHKMHzIj9
Black Hills Area Botany & Ecology Workshop
March 17 & 18, 2022
Contributed Talks (Thursday, March 17; Zoom only)
12:30 Symstad – Welcome and logistics
12:35 Blodgett – First report of Diplodia shoot blight and canker disease on ponderosa pine in Wyoming
12:50 Heidel – Plant diversity of the National Park System in the Black Hills
1:10 Latvis – Biodiversity assembly and maintenance in an “Island in the Plains”: Proposed research on disjunct Black Hills species
1:25 BREAK
1:35 Brown – Nature-based solutions for improving riparian health and resilience
1:55 Krueger – Revising the Black Hills NF Forest Plan
2:20 Porensky – Increased precipitation variability causes boom-bust cycles in invasive annual grasses, while increasingly stressed perennials persist
2:40 BREAK
2:50 Ott – Prescribed fire effects on soil nutrient availability in mixed-grass prairie and sagebrush steppe-prairie ecotone
3:10 Bachle – Grassland wildfires: How do fuel loads impact air and soil temperatures?
3:25 Symstad – Grass leaf development following prescribed fire
3:40 Adjourn
Climate Adaptation Symposium & World Café (Friday, March 18; Zoom and in-person)
8:30 Symstad – Welcome and logistics
8:35 Akyüz – Climate trends and projections
9:05 Ott – National Climate Assessment, Northern Great Plains region
9:35 Newman – RADical responses to ecological change in a transforming world
10:05 BREAK
10:15 Timberlake – Climate change vulnerability briefs to support forest plan revision on the Black Hills National Forest
11:00 Herrmann – Healthy soils are resilient to climate change
11:20 Welling – Management perspectives on the RAD framework
11:40 BREAK
11:50 Climate Resilience small-group discussion session 1 (within “agency”)
12:15 Climate Resilience small-group discussion session 2 (across “agency”)