brown animals during daytime Mountain Lion

Mountain Lion Alert

2023-24 Cougar Management alerts:

==========   2024 OTHER STATE Alerts  ====================

Nebraska has a hearing on changes to their season on Friday, June 21st at 8:30 am in Ogallala. Scroll down for more details, or visit our calendar page for that date:   The Commission approved staffs proposed changes.
North Dakota staff send their recommendation to the Governor in late June, so we suggest folks wanting to comment on ND mt lion season do so  by about June 25th. We don’t think any changes to the season is proposed.  Scroll down for more details, or visit our calendar page for that date –
Please comment on the draft Mountain Lion Action Plan by August 16th, 2024
The draft Mountain Lion Action plan, 2024-2028, is a document that will be used by GFP to guide mountain lion management in South Dakota through identified management objectives and measurable strategies to meet those management objectives. See:
There is also an older Mountain Lion Management Plan from 2019 will more detail on mt. lions:
Alerts about SD Mt Lions Summer 2024 are here on these PHAS calendar pages: 
Sept 5th,  2024– Draft Mt Lion Action Plan alert:
July 11th,  2024 :- Mt Lion hunting season alert
RECENT HISTORY – July 2023-July2024:SOUTH DAKOTA MOUNTAIN LIONS summer/fall 2023 & spring-summer 2024 UPDATE – 
In fall of 2023 SDGFP did not revise (change) it’s mountain lion season rules  for the next  year (winter 2023-2024) .
               JULY 2023 –  In July 2023 a petitioner presented a rule making petition to allow hound hunting of 12 lions (6 males/6 females) in the Black Hills Fire Protection District, outside of Custer State Park.  In July the Commission moved that petition forward to rule making – here is a link to the formal fall 2023  proposal created by Staff: 
          SEPT 2023 – But then the Commission aborted the rule making process in September.  In a September discussion between staff, Commission and petitioner, it sounded like the vocal members of the Commission wanted to expand hound hunting to the Black Hills Fire Protection District, outside of Custer State Park.  However staff explained that to do that, they needed to first amend the Mountain Lion Management Plan to lower the population objectives (300-200 lions), as staff believed that allowing killing of 6 female lions by hound hunters would drop the population below the current plan’s cougar population objectives.  It sounded like the Department would work to amend the Plan to reduce populations objectives, so it could create a hound hunting season for the entire Black Hills, that would then be consistent with the new, amended Mountain Lion Plan. 

MAY 2024 – However the staff  created a spring 2024 draft Action Plan that does not change the population objectives, which it  presented at a Mt Lion stakeholder’s meeting on May 28th.  Nancy Hilding attended that meeting and I (Nancy) did not get the impression that there was enough support for that change and it won’t happen, but we won’t know for sure until the draft plan is presented to the Commission meeting in July, 2024

    The Department had a mt lion stakeholder meeting on Mt Lion Plan Amendments – May 28th, 2024 and invited attendees who include PHAS. The invitees were skewed towards hunters (8 hunter groups, 2 environmentalists, 1 landowner, 1 Rosebud Sioux Tribe & 1 BHNF biologist  per each).  

.       JULY 2024 –  A draft version of the  2024  Mountain Lion Action Plan was released for public comment at the July Commission meeting. The comment deadline is August 16th, 2024.    A public opinion survey on Mt Lions was presented. The staff did not recommend allowing hound hunting of cougars in the Black Hills Fire Protection District (BHFPD) outside of Custer State Park.  The Commission accepted the staff recommendations and did not request other changes.  We will write talking points on the Mt Lion Action Plan, but folks should object to the unlimited year round hunting with hounds in the Prairie Unit (statewide unit outside of BHFPD. GFP should have objectives to support sustainable mountain lion populations on Oglala and Rosebud Sioux Tribe lands. Folks should object to hound hunting of lions in Custer State Park.  

       We provide alerts on Commission meetings in advance and then post a review after the meeting (see links provided below or see our events/deadline calendar). We suggest folks who support lions write letters and/or show up and testify remotely in their favor, by Zoom, at Commission meetings.  We provide alerts on all SDGFP Commission meetings in advance on our web site events/deadline calendar.  

Links to our Calendar on deadlines/events
Instructions on how to comment or testify at June 6th-7th 2024 Commission meeting found at the calendar
Instructions on how to comment or testify at July  2024 Commission meeting found at the calendar
Instructions on how to comment or testify at the September  2024 Commission meeting found at the calendar
Write a comment letter  to SDGFP or testify 
1. against hound hunting of mountain  lion, especially on public land. (Talking points – )
2. to support managing for a stable or source population of cougars in the Black Hills (If we have a sink population we suck in cougars from other states. With a source populatio– our cougars can emigrate & help recover cougar populations across the USA where suitable habitat exits. A cougar from the Black Hills was killed in Connecticut)
3. to support managing for some viable populations of mountain lions on the prairie unit where the habitat is suitable
and maintain connectivity corridors to such populations from the Black Hills. (There are breeding & hunted populations on at least 2 Reservations
and could be so at more reservations, along some rivers and at Custer Gallatin National Forest’s units in SD.) 
4. to oppose unlimited harvest, year-long on the prairie unit


   We periodically have networking Zoom meetings on issues associated with predators in the northern plains and had one on SD Mt Lions on the  eve of May 21st, 2024 with locals meeting with staff from several national cougar groups..Attendance at networking meetings are by invitation – access is limited to folks who support our objectives of Mt lion protection and recovery.  Contact Nancy Hilding if you want to come to such meetings in the future .(605-787-6466),



July 20th-21st 2023 Commission meeting – Archives,

September 7-8 2023 Commission meeting archives

The mountain lion hunting proposal Commission moved forward in July 2023 and denied in September

Wells petition for rule making to allow hounding hunting of 12 lions in BHs  (moved forward and then denied)

trial cougar pursuit season petitioned for by Weimer (denied)


          In response to SDGFP Commission moving forward hound hunting petitions to mitigate harm from hound hunting

  PHAS filed 5 petitions of our own designed to mitigate adverse impacts of hound hunting. All were denied:

2018Powerpoint by SDGFP on Mountain lions
Article on Sept 2023 Commission meeting


Please Use PHAS Events/Deadine calendar as a resource for tracking Commission
We post many of our alerts on the PHAS events/deadline calendar, next to date of event or deadline.June 2024 Commission meeting 
September 2023Commission meeting alert and review:

October 2023  Commission meeting alert and review:

June 2023 Commission meeting alert and review:




Oglala Sioux Tribe (OST) has a hunting season of 20 lions of either sex and 10 female sub-harvest limit.  In May, 2023 we were told 9 had been killed – We are not yet sure if that was in 2022 or 2023 or both combined (i.e not sure time frame of killings). For 2023 we are told seven lions were killed, 3 females , 3 males and one whose sex was not recorded.  They allow tribal and allow non-tribal hunting and hunting with hounds as long as the guide is a tribal member.  Licenses are more expensive for non-tribal hunters.
 Rosebud Sioux Tribe . Tribal wildlife staff believe they have many lions and breeding.  Tribal members could trap lions under a furbearer license prior to 2023. The Tribal Council attempted to pass a  hunting season for 5 lion, 3 female sub-harvest, with hounds, for 2023, but the Ordinance conflicted with other Ordinances and was not enforced in 2023.
Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe (CRST) thinks they have resident lions along the rivers, but no conclusive proof of breeding. 
Yankton Sioux Tribe (YST) may have had a few  breeding lions in the past (circa 2015) , but that was not conclusively proven. They do not  have a hunting season as of May 2023.
Three Affiliated Tribes in ND have breeding lions and a 5 lion harvest limit.

We need to contact other tribes in ND,  Montana and Wyoming and Canada.


Mountain lions have no idea where state or tribal/non-tribal boundaries are.  Their populations are self regulated, as the older lions will chase away young lions if the territory is at capacity. Lions can disperse long distances in search of vacant territory and mates.  We therefore follow mountain lion policies in nearby states. When nearby states such as Wyoming, have over-aggressive harvest limits, than Wyoming will be a sink for SD lions – SD lions will migrate to Wyoming Black Hills and perhaps be killed, thus this will be a drain on the growth or stability of the SD population, that is also hunted.  
Utah recently (2023) got rid of harvest limits for mountain lion hunting,. Montana recently  (2023) raised harvest limits by 40%, Wyoming (2023) raised harvest limits by 50% for a set of hunting units near Utah’s border. Nebraska (2023)  added a Niobrara hunting unit. Folks in Colorado in 2024 are attempting to get a moratorium of mountain lion hunting as a ballot measure. (Scroll down for more details)
Our states of SD, NE & ND are on the eastern edge of breeding populations that can supply lions to recolonize eastern USA.  A male lion from the Black Hills was killed by a car on the Merritt Parkway in Connecticut.

2024 NEBRASKA GAME AND PARKS COMMISSION   – NGPC is going to review and vote on proposals to increase mountain lion hunting in Nebraska at it’s Commission meeting on June 20-21st, 2024, see our events calendar on those days for details. The Commission approved proposed changes.

It is proposing to increase the harvest limit on the Pine Ridge Unit by three times, the Niobrara Unit by two times and to add a unit at Wildcat Hills 


NGPC  revisited its’ season in June 2023 and decided to add hunting in the Niobrara Unit, to the already hunted Pine Ridge Unit.   

Deadline for Nebraska GP Commission  2023 written comments on lion & otters was midday CT June 7th, 2023 – The hearing was June 9th, The Commission approved the mountain lion season  proposals.  View 2023 alerts at this link: Link for details: 



NORTH  DAKOTA GAME & FISH- ND will be revising its season each year in the early summer. You may send comments to Stephanie Tucker (staff) by late June 2024 before she submits a plan to the Governor for his approval.  Her e-mail:, phone: (701) 220-1871‬‬‬ 

Go to our events calendar for year 2024  alert –

Old links 2022 

WYOMING GAME & FISH 2023 – WGFC made some changes to increase cougar hunting for some units near the Utah border, A  proposal was offered for public comment in July 2023 and decided on in  the September 2023.  Wyoming normally reviews the season every three years and we expect a statewide review in 2025.

Wyoming Game & Fish Commission   2023- was reviewing a proposed increase by 50% of  lion hunting limits in 4 of its units on its’ western  edge  (not  in the Black Hills) . There were public meetings happening in towns in July. Deadline for written comments is received at 5 pm MT on Friday August 4th. Commission hearing is in Gillette on September 12-13th. Other public meetings were in June & July, in various towns in Wyoming, by Department on rule changes proposed by WG&F Depart. You can submit short comments online (8,000 word limit), but for a long formal letter , you must mail by post.  Wyoming Commission approved the proposed changes at their Sept 13th meeting… .Link for details:–  



MONTANA FISH WILDLIFE AND PARKS 2023 – Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks decided to increase hunting by 40% in many areas:  

Montana FW&P May 11th- (PAST)  & June 8th, 2023. View alerts at these links. The Commission approved a high increase in the harvest limit:


2022 Cougar Management alerts: 

Wyoming July 2022 Alert

Nebraska lion Alert June 2022

ND Mt Lion Alert 2022


2021 Cougar Management alerts



PHAS has been following cougar issue in SD since 2005. 
Here is a video of 2021 PHAS meeting on this topic:
An old 2021 alert on this topic will soon be uploaded so you can read it.
In Sept 2021, the  SDGFP Commission passed both proposed rules on mountain lions with no changes from proposals. 
 Future action to protect mountain lions in SD will be to contact federal and state land management agencies and ask them to prohibit hound hunting of mountain lions  on their properties. Also to contact tribes 



Update, in Sept 2021, the  SDGFP Commission passed both proposed rules on mountain lions with no changes from proposals. The Commission passed the rule on spring turkey with no changes from proposal. The only rule to which there was a change, was on blow guns used for fishing; they decided not to allow blow guns for fishing. (There is another petition for rule making on blow guns for consideration 5/4/23)Future action to protect mountain lions will be to contact federal and state land management agencies and ask them to prohibit hound hunting of mountain lions on their properties. Please watch for updates on that future campaign


 SD MOUNTAIN LION ALERT SD Fall 2021 –  OLD  (you can see our objections to 2021 season)

Wednesday September 1st (afternoon) 2021 – Thursday September 2nd  (morning) was a past SD Game, Fish & Parks Commission Meeting in Rapid City at Outdoor Campus West with virtual & teleconference options

As the proposed rule was adopted,  you need to go to SD Administrative Rules list for mountain lions to see the rule as amended in 2021:

2021 Alert On Mountain Lion Seasons Rule Changes (these rules were adopted)

Here is a link to the letter that Prairie Hills Audubon Society submitted to SD GFP:

If you go to these two links you can see what other individuals and NGOs – such as HSUS, MLF, Cougar Fund, SD-FACT wrote. The long formal letters are at the end of the PDF files, the shorter letters at the beginning. :

In 2021, we suggested folks oppose both proposed rules changes for mountain lion hunting.  But they passed.

  SD Mt. lion hunting is divided into the Black Hills Fire Protection District and every where else (Prairie unit). In the Prairie Unit there is 365 day hunting with no harvest limit and hound hunting was allowed on private land (with land owner/lessor permission) and moving from private land to BLM and State School Lands. Hound hunting was allowed in Custer State Park in two week time segments alternating with two weeks of “boot hunting” (boot = no hounds used). The first two week session was given to hound hunting and thus for many years the boot hunters are out-competed and have not gotten any lions.The hunting season on the Black Hills Unit is too aggressive and will result in decreasing populations, perhaps dropping below the population below the population goals that SDGFP wants. We suggest  at least lowering the female lion harvest limit in the Black Hills unit.

 We suggested people object to hound hunting of lions, which occurs on Custer State Park (a sub-set of Black Hills unit) and in the Prairie unit. You could have objected due to 1. animal cruelty to both  dogs and lions, 2. not fair chase, 3. provides huge advantage of success for hound hunters vs boot hunters  4. creates trespass risk, 5. disturbs non-target wildlife, livestock and other human users.  However they made a specific change to increase hound increasing the area of public land in the Prairie Unit where hound hunters can travel from private land to hunt on public land, to  include all of public lands unless public land manager specifically objects. Previously public land hound hunting in the Prairie unit was limited to expanding onto BLM and State School lands. . You could have objected specifically to that proposed increase in hound hunting area on the Prairie Unit.

We suggested allowing the boot hunters the first two week session in Custer State Park, for sake of boot hunters, lions & dogs.

Written comments (2021) were to be submitted at or at

The rule change to allow hound hunting on the prairie unit on public land unless the land management agency specifically objects passed the Commission. We thus need to contact public land managers and ask them to object to hound hunting of lions on their property.

UPDATE ON LIONS – This bill was killed in committee (dead).  2022 SD Legislature had HB 1296 – would have treated cougars  (which by statute are a big game species in SD ) as if they were a “predator/varmint” in the prairie unit and allow hunting without a license 365 days of a year.  This would have taken away from the GFP Commission the option to reduce the days in the hunting season for the prairie. Cougar advocates wanting  to reduce prairie unit hunting from year round would have to go lobby the legislature. Folks would not pay the license fee, which is $28 dollars . 




You can testify orally at the Commission meetings, during the hearing or open forum. We provide information on Commission meetings on our events/deadline calendar:  They are normally the first Thursday and Friday of the month, unless holiday weekends interfere. They don’t meet in August and February.  Rules aren’t final till they are reviewed by the Interim Rules Review Committee, a legislative Committee. The IRRC generally doesn’t meet in Dec-March, sometimes not in Nov-March.  Folks can protest a rule adopted by GFP at an IRRC hybrid hearing. 

 GFP’s  meetings are hybrid, thus remote testifying allowed.  You get 3 minutes at Open Forum (any topic allowed) and 3 minutes for each rule change finalization (can only comment on proposed rule change).

‪Written comments to the SDGFP Commission can be submitted at To be included in the public record of a specific commission meeting, comments must include your complete name and city of residence and meet the submission deadline of seventy-two hours before that specific  meeting (not including the day of the meeting). Deadline for Thursday meetings is Sunday night before midnight, at CT or MT depending on time zone of the upcoming meeting. Late comments go into the public record of the next meeting.  Unless you want to send directly to each Commissioner  – ‬you can contact them 365 days of the year. We provide their e-mails in our specific alerts on the PHAS calendar. Find their phone and addresses at:  


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