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Endangered Species Day Celebration 2023
May 19, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

2023 is the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act – which President Nixon signed into law on December 28th of 1973. Endangered Species Day is set by Congress to be the third Friday in May.
This our 16th year of having a multi-group sponsored Endangered Species Day Celebration in Rapid City area. This will be a Zoom meeting in the evening with lectures on endangered or threatened species in our state or the region. Time will be 6 pm – 9:00 pm MT.
6:00 pm – Introduction by Sponsors
6:10 pm – 7:20 pm – Speaker: Amity A Bass, Field Supervisor, North and South Dakota Ecological Services, US Fish and Wildlife Service – She will speak on SD’s federally listed species with updates on changes to their status, populations and/or habitats in the last few years and also about the 12 month findings (decisions to list – or not) to be decided in next few years.
7:20 pm – 8:30 pm – Speakers: Ellen Whittle, Bat Project Manager for the Wyoming Natural Diversity Database (WYNDD), University of Wyoming and Renee Lile, PhD Student in the Program of Ecology, University of Wyoming – These two speakers will report on their research on our local northern long eared bats in the Black Hills/Bear Lodge.
8:30-9:00 pm – Powerpoint by Eileen Dowd Stukel, Senior Wildlife Diversity Biologist, SD Game, Fish and Parks – Eileen can’t come but she will provide a powerpoint on: our SD state listed species with updates on the down listing of the peregrine falcon in 2022, on SD GFP’s Wildlife Action Plan Revision and also on the progress of Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (S. 1149) in the 118th Congress. For more information on RAWA by the NWF: https://affiliates.nwf.org/resources/recovering-toolkit/
Normally a bunch of conservation groups sponsor the event – this year Prairie Hills Audubon Society, Western Watersheds Project, Rapid City Chapter of the Izaak Walton League, The Norbeck Society, Black Hills Chapter of Dakota Rural Action & Black Hills Group of the Sierra Club, Magpie and Buffalo Organizing, South Dakota Citizen’s Climate Lobby have already confirmed sponsorship
The meeting will be recorded and recording link posted to PHAS web site, a few days later
Zoom details.
Topic: Endangered Species Day Celebration, 2023
Time: 6 pm-9 pm MT, 5/19/23
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