- This event has passed.
June 13th – Draft Hard Rock Mining Ordinance – Continued Pennington County Planning Commission
June 13, 2022 @ 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
UPDATE – Draft Ordinance approved by Planning Commission on 6/13/22 – Next Hearing at Pennington County Commission Meeting on July 5th
June 13th @ 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
It takes a while to review and write ordinances. In addition to Feb 9th hearing, it has also since been heard or continued on February 28th, March 28th, then April 25th, then May 23rd at 9 am before the same Planning Commission. The Planning Commission approved the draft that can be found in the Planning Commission packet (see below). It will now go to
the full Pennington County Commission.
Where Commission Chambers, 130 Kansas City St, Rapid City, SD 57701, USA (map), Remote virtual testifying is an option if you ask far enough in advance.
Link to commission packet on – Ordinance is at the end, at page 468 onward
To find Hard Rock Mining Ordinance stuff –
1. to see draft ordinance go to page 468 page of above May 23rd packet for ordinance, as existing before May 23rd
Watch to see PC Planning Commission agendas for June 13th at link –
Here’s the link to the BOC Calendar – https://www.pennco.org/index.asp?SEC=3E3A7706-9490-449E-8420-57421F31A1E1
Black Hills Clean Water Alliance, likely has an alert about this issue on their web and/or Facebook pages & likely provides talking points. https://bhcleanwateralliance.org/public-hearings/
Note: If unable to attend the meeting in person, teleconference/Zoom is an option (PHAS asked for Zoom meeting option). Contact plz@pennco.org or the Planning Department at 605-394-2186, about 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.
Send written comments at least 24 hours in advance also – which for a Monday meeting is on Friday, as staff must add to Commission’s packet before the weekend.
Folks can attend by Zoom on 6/13/22, however if you wish to testify, you needed to get staff your contact info and type into chat that you want to testify.
Pennington County is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
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Meeting ID: 775 520 7200
Passcode: 1234
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