What is a Cracker Barrel? – It’s a moderated question and answer session where the public can ask their elected representative questions about the legislature. There will be 1 hour of Q&A, then a 20 or 25 minute break (with snacks) and then another hour of Q&A. Bob Burns will moderate. – It is on Saturday 2/18/23 from 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM MT.
The invited legislators are those who represent the towns of Southern Meade County: Black Hawk, Summerset, Piedmont and Box Elder, as well as other parts of Pennington and Meade County. The Piedmont (Foothills Area) cracker barrel hosts the legislators from Districts 33 and 29 – Kirk Chaffee, Gary Cammack, Dean Wink, Curt Massie, Phil Jensen & David Johnson.
It is located at the Piedmont American Legion Post The Post is located at 101 Pine Street. It is on the SE side of Piedmont at the intersection of Pine St. & Sturgis Road
This will be a hybrid meeting; we will meet face-to-face with the legislators in Piedmont, but a Zoom option will be available – scroll down for Zoom Link
This is the 13th Cracker Barrel in the Foothills Area. and we have the same 5 sponsoring NGOs. – For more information:
Prairie Hills Audubon Society, Nancy Hilding, (605)-787-6466, nhilding@rapidnet.com, http://www.phas-wsd.org; —- Black Hills Chapter – Dakota Rural Action, Frank James, ((605) 881-6245, fejames@dakotarural.org; —- Piedmont Valley American Legion Post 311, Kim Anderson, (605) 787-5886, kim.ander311@gmail.com; —– Foothills Kiwanis, Sharon Wilson, 605-390-5919, sharwils1@rap.midco.net; —- Foothills Area Chamber of Commerce, Ce Faulkner, (815)-494-5337, ce.farmersunion@gmail.com,
Link to Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83023211094?pwd=RHp1ajFjYzJCQkpEcERiM2NqNWlOUT09
Meeting ID: 830 2321 1094 Passcode: 838526 One tap mobile +12532050468,,83023211094#,,,,*838526# US or +12532158782,,83023211094#,,,,*838526# US (Tacoma)
Dial by your location (As far as we know any number will work in Western SD) +1 253 205 0468 US, +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma), +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston), +1 669 444 9171, US +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 830 2321 1094 Passcode: 838526 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbPOGV2GaP
This is also announced on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/653353423227924