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SD Game, Fish and Parks Commission June Meeting
June 6, 2024 @ 12:00 pm - June 7, 2024 @ 12:00 pm
SD Game, Fish & Parks Commission’s June Hybrid Meeting – June 6th-7th 2024, in Yankton, at the NFAA Easton Yankton Archery Center
SDGFP Commission continued with its’ normal meeting policies, — folks can testify for 3 minutes at 2 pm CT in person or by Zoom or phone. Visit this web page closer to the meeting date, for more details: https://gfp.sd.gov/commission/information/
SD GFP normally meets on the first Thursday-Friday of the month, unless those days are close to a holiday and then the meeting week may shift. They normally don’t meet in February and August.
June 6th Livestream link
Zoom Meeting Link | To join via conference call, dial 1.669.900.9128 | Meeting ID: 928 2777 2568 | Passcode: 421262
Notice of rule finalization hearings:
Public Comments;
Raccoon – We ask people to be opposing the proposal to allow out-of-state hound hunters to hunt raccoons with hounds in SD. One of the main reasons for this is to help hound hunting competitions, where hunters compete over raccoon treeing/killing. We have a web page on raccoon issues under “Events + Alerts” drop down menu under “Action Alerts” side menu. https://phas-wsd.org/protect-sd-raccoons/
OUTCOME OF THURSDAY’s COMMISSION MEETING – The rule change to allow non-residents to hound hunt raccoons passed the Commission on 6/6/24. The Commission received 22 written comments against it & 1 in favor. Two people (Julie Anderson & Nancy Hilding (PHAS)) testified verbally against & one person testified for it.
The rule change finalizations for May are:
Furbearer Seasons and Methods: Hunting Raccoons with Dogs
Elk Raffle License
Landowner on Own Land Elk
To see the text of the finalization proposals (until SDGFP publishes the Commission Book for June). Go to the Commission Book for May https://gfp.sd.gov/userdocs/meetings/may2024commissionbook_.pdf
There are 4 petitions for rule making on Lake Francis Case Paddlefish Season, two petitions on PanFish Daily Limet & Motor Use on Lakes. There are proposals on Air Gun Hunting, Wild Turkey Seasons, and Annual Park Entrance License Options.
Cougars – We expect, but are not sure, that SDGFP may be moving forward a plan to allow hound hunting within the Black Hills outside of Custer State Park. We expect that to be proposed at the July meeting and finalized in Sept. After June 2nd people could send in comments in opposition to hound hunting of mt. lions – but the deadline will be in early September. We have an alert on that on our Mt Lion page , that explains this – https://phas-wsd.org/cougar-alert/.
Written comments can be submitted at https://gfp.sd.gov/forms/positions/. To be included in the public record of the next meeting, comments must include your complete name and city of residence and meet the submission deadline of seventy–two hours before the meeting (not including the day of the meeting) (Usually Sunday night before midnight CT or MT depending on time zone of physical meeting) If you miss that deadline it goes to record of the next meeting .
You can testify at GFP meetings which are held in person and by Zoom, generally at 2 pm on the Thursday of the meeting, in time zone of the meeting. If there is rule finalization(s) you get 3 minutes per each rule you want to testify on. During the Open Forum, you get 3 minutes to testify on anything.
You are supposed to send Liz Kierl- Liz.Kierl@state.sd.us, an e-mail before 1 pm CT on the day of the hearing, to notify her that you want to testify remotely (giving name, who you represent and subject matter(s)), but they normally are polite and ask if any one not registered either in the room or Zoom/phone wants to testify
The three new commissioners e-mails likely are:
Jim.White@state.sd.us, , Bruce.Cull@state.sd.us, Travis.Theel@state.sd.us,