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SD Game, Fish and Parks Commission will meet in Rapid City on afternoon of Thursday and Friday morning – it will  be at Outdoor Campus West, 

Visit this web site for details: https://gfp.sd.gov/commission/information/


They only meet in the Black Hills two  or three times a year…. Normally at CSP in spring and some place in central or northern Black Hills in the fall.  They have about 11 meetings a year – taking a month off in the summer. They  normally meet on the first Thursday and Friday of  the month, but holidays  or other events can change that.

Finalizations are about spring turkey hunting seasons.

Meetings are hybrid, – so you can attend and testify at hearings in person or by Zoom.  There will be an “open forum” where you will be given three minutes to testify on any topic of interest to you.  That will after 2 pm, after the hearing on rule finalizations at 2 pm. We like for folks to testify

  1. in opposition to the Nest Predator Bounty Program,
  2. opposition to hound hunting of lions,
  3. and for creating a beaver management plan, a  moratorium on beaver trapping in the Black Hills and 5 months trapping season elsewhere.
  4. Express concern over lead management at the proposed Outdoor Shooting Range.


To send written comments that will end up in the public record,  you need to do that by midnight on Sunday the 2nd of October by posting to SDGFP comment web page. https://gfp.sd.gov/commission/members/

You can send to individual commissioners at any time. https://gfp.sd.gov/commission/members/


To testify remotely it is requested  you  register by 1:00 pm CT by email to Liz.Kierl@state.sd.usTestifiers should provide their full names, whom they are representing, city of residence, and which proposed topic they will be addressing.  However if you forget,  they normally ask if anyone not registered wants to testify.

 For remote attendance

THURSDAY – October 6 | 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. MT

The Outdoor Campus – West, Rapid City | Livestream link https://www.sd.net/   Zoom Meeting Link https://state-sd.zoom.us/j/93912915359?pwd=RDVwK3B2eEk1b2w1dWxzNEhaNzNBUT09 or join via conference call Dial 1 669 900 9128 – Meeting ID: 939 1291 5359 – Passcode: 9502333

FRIDAY – October 7 | 9 a.m.-12 p.m. MT The Outdoor Campus – West, Rapid City | Livestream link https://www.sd.net/  Zoom Meeting Link https://state-sd.zoom.us/j/93912915359?pwd=RDVwK3B2eEk1b2w1dWxzNEhaNzNBUT09 or join via conference call Dial 1 669 900 9128 – Meeting ID: 939 1291 5359 – Passcode: 9502333



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