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Zoom meeting on lead pollution from hunting
June 16, 2022 @ 5:00 pm
Wildlife for Future Generations, Zoom meeting.
6 pm Central Time on Thursday 6/16/22
US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) released proposed regulations that begin the process to ban lead ammo and tackle on National Wildlife Refuges across the country. The Biden Administration’s proposall lays the groundwork for additional lead prohibitions on refuges and provides a precedent that will be utilized to ban lead ammunition and tackle on all public lands where hunting and fishing occur.
6:00 pm: Introduction by our team and wildlife updates
6:15 pm: Mark Naniot – Mark Naniot has been active in the wildlife rehab community since getting lost walking home from kindergarten. An older neighbor kid was supposed to walk him home on the first day of kindergarten but did not. Like any five-year-old, Mark believed he could do it himself. But he got lost. He knocked on the door of a house to ask for help. The nice lady, Edie Johnston called his mom then asked him if he wanted to see her birds while they waited. She was a wildlife rehabber rehabbing from her home. Her home was just one street over from his. Mark was hooked and helped her every chance he got until he was 18 and could volunteer at a larger wildlife center. Before coming to Rhinelander, he worked for Idaho Fish & Game as a Law Enforcement aid, USFS as a wildlife tech doing grizzly bear research and at Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary. He & his wife, Sharon, live off-the-grid in a solar home with their many dogs and two cats. Mark is an advanced wildlife rehabber that served on the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Rehabilitation Committee from 2000-2010 helping shape wildlife rehab in Wisconsin into a profession. He’s been an International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council instructor since 2010, sharing his knowledge and passion of wildlife rehab with students across the country. In May of 2015, Newsline 9 & Marshfield Clinics awarded Mark the Jefferson Award. You can see his recent news article here: https://www.waow.com/news/a-plea-for-hunters-to-make-the-switch-to-non-lead-ammo/article_4700650b-66f5-503b-aea9-f2f2d3ee826d.html
6:40 pm: Melissa Smith – Presentation on current legislation on Lead ammunition and tackle and how to comment on federal register, and state policy Govt. Relations, Great Lakes Wildlife Alliance (GLWA), Executive Director, Friends of the Wisconsin Wolf & Wildlife 7:00 pm: Q &A and your chance to comment online to GET THE LEAD OUT! |
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