Comment Deadline for Cougar Hunting Rules Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission

HELENA – Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is seeking public comment on several proposals slated to go to the Fish and Wildlife & Parks Commission on June 8th at the MFWP headquarters in Helena, with them meeting starting at 8:30 am. The formal comment period is open through May 11 up till just before midnight.  However […]

2023 West River Migration Count

The West River Migration Count,  takes place May 12-15, Fri - Mon. This was a national count years ago, and local folks have maintained the long-term count. The following counties participate: Harding, Butte, , Lawrence, Meade, Pennington, Custer, and Fall River.  If you are interested in counting numbers of birds and species in these areas and have not already visited […]

Webinar on “Environmental Justice and Emerging Contaminants”,

Webinar on "Environmental Justice and Emerging Contaminants" Presenters: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of California, Berkeley, and University of Rhode Island SRP centers. May 12, 12:00-2:00 p.m. EDT and 10 am - 12 pm MT This is the 3rd webinar of NIEHS Superfund Research Program (SRP) Progress in Research WEBINAR SERIES. The webinars are free […]

May 12th, Comment Deadline scoping on Zeppelin Timber Sale

May 12th, Comment deadline for scoping on Zeppelin Timber Sale. This Zeppelin timber sale is about 2 miles northwest of Piedmont, 6 miles  South of Sturgis, Scoping comments are due May 12th, Friday. Scoping deadlines are a little flexible but best to send in on time. Visit this link for details

International Migratory Bird Day – second Saturday in May

International Migratory Bird Day - is the second Saturday of every May. PHAS will celebrate it with our annual spring field trip to La Creek National Wildlife Refuge on 5/13/23.  Link to learn about International Migratory Bird Day

PHAS’s Field Trip to La Creek National Wildlife Refuge

Field Trip to La Creek National Wildlife Refuge, May 13th This is an annual event that Prairie Hills Audubon Society and Black Hills Group of Sierra Club sponsor every May - either the first or second weekend in May.  This year it is on Saturday the 13th -- second Saturday. Every May, the second Saturday […]

Treaty Summit – hosted by Oglala Sioux Tribe

2023 Treaty Summit - hosted by Oglala Sioux Tribe's, 5th Member's Office May 17th, 18th & 19th, 9 am-5 pm at the Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn, Rapid City, SD For more info - 5th Member Justin Pourier - , PH: 605-867-2439 CELL: 605-441-6922 Main Office OST - 605-867-5821

National Forest Advisory Board meeting May 17th, 1 pm

A National Forest Advisory Board meeting is scheduled for May 17th-  1 pm - 4:30 pm at Mystic Ranger District, 8221 Mount Rushmore Rd, Rapid City, SD 57702 Topics on the meeting agenda include Long Eared Bat Listing – Reclassified as Endangered, Black Elk Wilderness Area, Fire Season 2023, and Forest Plan Revision update. Meetings […]

Hearing on Wharf’s application to expand their mine

Hearing on Wharf's application to expand their mine. May 18th and 19th - DANR - Foss Building – Matthew Training Center, Pierre, SD, Start Date/Time: 05/18/2023 10:00 AM End Date/Time: 05/19/2023 05:00 PM. Wharf has been in operation since December 1982.  Previously it has been granted four additional mining permits to expand its operation: two in […]

Celebrate Issue of Endangered Species Commemorative Forever® Stamps

Endangered Species Commemorative Forever® Stamps First-Day-of-Issue stamp ceremony on Friday, May 19, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. There will be an event in  Wall, SD  on Endangered Species Day, May 19th, 2023 to celebrate the issuance of a set of postage stamps featuring a set of endangered species, including the black-footed ferret. It will be sponsored […]

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