Bonnie Gestring of EarthWorks speaks on Mineral Withdrawal

Bonnie Gestring of EarthWorks will  speak on Mineral Withdrawal in the evening - * Bonnie Gestring Presentation -- "The Real Deal with Mineral Withdrawals" - 7:00 pm at Dahl Arts Center, Rapid City. Under the 1872 mining law, the Forest Service can't say "no" to a mining proposal unless the area is withdrawn from mineral […]

SD Game Fish and Parks May Commission Meeting – Thursday May 4th, – Friday 5th, 2023

SD Game Fish and Parks May Commission Meeting Hyrid form - Thursday May 4th, - Friday 5th, 2023 May 4, 1 p.m.-5 p.m. MDT | May 5, 8 a.m.-12 p.m. MDT At the  Event Barn, Custer State Park Livestream link Zoom Meeting Link  To join via conference call, dial 1 669 900 9128 - Meeting ID: 939 1291 5359 - Passcode: 0565645 The Event Barn is […]

Izaak Walton League – SD Division State Convention, May 5th-7th

Izaak Walton League of America - SD  Division State Convention May 5th-7th The meeting will be at the  Madison # 16 Chapter House. The address of the Clubhouse is 1001 Territorial Road, Madison, SD. Here is a link to their web page:, There is a on Friday night dinner and a Saturday lunch, a […]

Virtual Public Meeting by BHNF & BLM on Proposed Mineral Withdrawal

Black Hills National Forest and the Bureau of Land Management will host a virtual public meeting on Zoom to discuss the requested mineral withdrawal proposal. Time: May 11, 2023 10:00 AM in Mountain Time (US and Canada) Please register at For more information on withdrawal proposal: Comments are due on June 20th, 2023 and we have […]

Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day with the new Bird Migration Explorer

Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day with the new Bird Migration Explorer Thursday, May 11, 2023 10 AM - 11 AM PT / 11 AM-12 PM MT/ 1 PM - 2 PM ET/ Spring migration is fully underway and billions of birds have made or are still making their way to breeding grounds all across the Western Hemisphere. […]

Comment Deadline for Cougar Hunting Rules Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission

HELENA – Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is seeking public comment on several proposals slated to go to the Fish and Wildlife & Parks Commission on June 8th at the MFWP headquarters in Helena, with them meeting starting at 8:30 am. The formal comment period is open through May 11 up till just before midnight.  However […]

2023 West River Migration Count

The West River Migration Count,  takes place May 12-15, Fri - Mon. This was a national count years ago, and local folks have maintained the long-term count. The following counties participate: Harding, Butte, , Lawrence, Meade, Pennington, Custer, and Fall River.  If you are interested in counting numbers of birds and species in these areas and have not already visited […]

Webinar on “Environmental Justice and Emerging Contaminants”,

Webinar on "Environmental Justice and Emerging Contaminants" Presenters: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of California, Berkeley, and University of Rhode Island SRP centers. May 12, 12:00-2:00 p.m. EDT and 10 am - 12 pm MT This is the 3rd webinar of NIEHS Superfund Research Program (SRP) Progress in Research WEBINAR SERIES. The webinars are free […]

May 12th, Comment Deadline scoping on Zeppelin Timber Sale

May 12th, Comment deadline for scoping on Zeppelin Timber Sale. This Zeppelin timber sale is about 2 miles northwest of Piedmont, 6 miles  South of Sturgis, Scoping comments are due May 12th, Friday. Scoping deadlines are a little flexible but best to send in on time. Visit this link for details

International Migratory Bird Day – second Saturday in May

International Migratory Bird Day - is the second Saturday of every May. PHAS will celebrate it with our annual spring field trip to La Creek National Wildlife Refuge on 5/13/23.  Link to learn about International Migratory Bird Day

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