Our PHAS BLOG, Website and PHAS FACEBOOK PAGE information may overlap.
PHAS has a list-serve for members and friends focused on birds and birding. All field trips are announced on this list-serve and it is available for members and friends to communicate about birds and issues related to birds. To subscribe contact Nancy or Jedediah, phas.wsd@rapidnet.com, 605-787-6466, and Jedediah (207) 310-4665, jedediahbeadle@gmail.com
Other Group Contacts
South Dakota State Organizations
- Missouri Breaks Audubon Society (folding 2023)
- South Dakota Chapter of the Sierra Club — Black Hills Group
- Norbeck Society
- Dakota Rural Action — Black Hills Chapter
- South Dakota Ornithologist’s Union
- South Dakota Division Izaak Walton League — Rapid City Chapter
- Clean Water Alliance – Black Hills
- Black Hills Raptor Center
- Friends of the Norbeck
- South Dakota Wildlife Federation — Black Hills Sportsmen Club
- Northern Hills Bird Club
- The Nature Conservancy in SD
- Sioux Fall Bird Club
- Magpie and Buffalo Organizing
- Citizens Climate Lobby – Black Hills Chapter
- South Dakotans Fighting Animal Cruelty Together
- Black Hills Environmental Coalition
- Friends of the Big Sioux River
- Black Hills Fly Fishers
Regional Organizations
- Western Mining Action Network
- Powder River Basin Resource Council
- Western Watersheds Project
- Great Plains Conservation Network
- Great Plains Native Plant Society
- Prairie Dog Coalition
- Bird Conservancy of Rockies
- Native Ecosystems Council
- Advocates for the West
- Audubon of Kansas
- Nebraska Ornithologist Union
- Wyoming Untrapped
- Great Lakes Wildlife Alliance
- Buffalo Nations Grassland Alliance
- Western Environmental Law Center
Regional Offices of National Audubon Society
National Organizations
- Center for Biological Diversity
- WildEarth Guardians
- Defenders of Wildlife
- Earthworks
- American Bird Consevancy
- World Wildlife Fund
- The Wilderness Society
- Wildlife For All Coalition
- Izaak Walton League of America
- Native American Fish and Wildlife Society
- Cougar Fund
- Mountain Lion Foundation
- Humane Society of US
- Indigenous Environmental Network
- Native American Fish and Wildlife Society
- SD Tribes
- Lower Brule Tribe
- Oglala Sioux Tribe
- Rosebud Sioux Tribe
- Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
- Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe
- Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Sioux Tribe
- Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
- Yankton Sioux Tribe
- Crow Creek Sioux Tribe