Tracking of environmental & some “good government”   bills – 2025. 

2025 Legislative Calendar

 2025 Bills List:  


Scroll down for our bill tracking list.

Our bill tracking list divides bills into environmental and “good government” bills. It further divides those into active bills and finalized bills (dead or sent to Governor)

The legislature starts on Tuesday the 14th of January, 2025 and ends March 13th, 2025 except for Veto Day on March 31st, 2025
All draft bills are due at the LRC on February 3rd. February 5th is the
last day for individuals to introduce bills.
On Monday February 24th bills must be reported out of committees. On February 25th, all not-appropriations bills must pass the house of origin.  Monday March 10th is last day to pass out of second house


Go to the bottom of  our legislative page for e-mail addresses of all legislators in some key Committees and also of all the senate and house members. This is to make it easy to e-mail them all. Short messages are great as they may be too busy to read long messages. You can also find information about committees & legislators on the LRC web pages- legislators:



We indicate at the end of a bill’s review when we last updated this web page with respect to the bill’s status. We refer you to LRC web page “Bill Status Report”

At the bottom of this web page are links to other group’s bill tracking services


This page is being updated on 3/9/25, some bills entries are fresh and others 14 days out-dated


Environmental Bills 2025


House Bill HB 1262 –  terminate bounty payments for nest predators, transfer moneys to the general fund, and declare an emergency
This was up in House Agriculture and Natural Resources on Tuesday  Feb18th, 7:45 am CT/. The bill failed in Committee with a 7 to 5 vote. (DEAD). We will continue to work against the Nest Predator Bounty Programin the future.

 PHAS had been working very hard to get bill sponsors for a bill to stop
the Nest Predator Bounty Program (NPBP) . Rep Scott Odenbach volunteered to be
prime sponsor of such a bill and revised a draft bill we provided.  PHAS supported the bill as it would have stopped the NPBP, but we wanted it amended to remove the proposed transfer of $500,000 from GFP’s budget to the general fund– sponsor agreed to amend..
We refer you to our web page dedicated to opposition to the nest
predator bounty program (NPBP) for details on why the NPBP needs to end
and what is going on. There are talking points there –

House Environmental Bills




HB 1023 An Act to modify the definition of a conviction for purposes of license revocation. This is about SDGFP licenses for “sportsmen”. Passed the House Judiciary Committee 9-4 on 1/22. Passed the House floor 38-31. Moves to the Senate Judiciary –  hearing scheduled 2/25/25,  

Status as of 2/22/25. Izaak Walton League Supports

HB 1026 An Act to appropriate $13+ million in general fund dollars for the replacement of the Richmond Lake dam and spillway, and for general maintenance and repair of other state-owned dams, and to declare an emergency. Heard in Joint Appropriations & passed 17-0. Floor vote 2/24/25, Status as of 2/22/25. Izaak Walton League Supports

HB 1081 -revise the disposition of revenues from the precious metals severance tax., Sent to House Appropriations prior hearing on 2/19/25 & hearing on 2/24/25 for action, Bill gives counties greater share of these taxes.

 Status as of 2/22/25

*HB 1085, establish a moratorium on the construction of carbon dioxide pipelines in this state and to declare an emergency. , to  House Commerce & Energy, Hearing on 2/21/25,  Amended & passed YEAS 7, NAYS 6., Likely to House floor 2/25/25 

 DRA supports , Status as of 2/22/25     

*HB 1108 create the McCook Lake contingency fund and to transfer moneys to the fund. House Ag amended and referred to House Appropriations (passed 12-1). Appropriations committee deferred action hearing to 2/24/25. Status as of 2/22/25. Izaak Walton League Supports

HB 1143 An act to require the director of equalization to adjust certain agricultural land
values. this bill was amended in Senate Local
Government (HB 1143A) then it passed (6-0). It’s on Monday’s Senate Consent Calendar.  Izaak Walton League Supports, Status as of 3/9/25.

HB 1157 remove the maximum fee limit due when applying for a county drainage permit. House Ag amended capping fee at $500 then passed (12-0). Passed the House floor Tuesday 2/18/25 YEAS 64, NAYS 6.  , Referred to Senate Local Government., Status as of 2/22/24,

HB 1188 allow nonresident military members to purchase three-day temporary nonresident waterfowl licenses. House Military & Veterans Affairs passed (11-1). Passed the House (65-3). Moves to the Senate Ag & NR Committee. 

Status as of 2/22/24.

*HB 1228 require an environmental impact statement from applicants seeking a carbon dioxide transmission facility permit from the Public Utilities Commission of the State of South Dakota.,, sent to House Commerce and Energy with hearing on 2/24/25 10 am CT, Status as of 2/22/25  DRA & PHAS Support

HB 1236 expand the safety zone within which hunting and trapping are restricted. Referred to House Ag. Hearing scheduled Tuesday 2/18/25. Passed out of Committee YEAS 10, NAYS 2.& House Floor  YEAS 51, NAYS 19. Sent to S Ag&NR Committee, with hearing on 2/25/25. Status as of 2/22/24. PHAS supports. This bill extends safety zone that would stop shooting near homes,  churches, school but also for stopping trapping/snaring near homes and thus will increase protection for pets. SD has a 3 and a partial day and 2 and a partial day trap check time (how frequently traps must be inspected). Pets in traps can be severely injured and in extreme weather pets in traps for days can be killed. Here is a 2017 state score card comparing trapping rules/state. SD gets an F. 74% of states had a 24 hour trap check time in 2017.

HCR 6010 Encouraging the Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council to establish an interim legislative committee on preserving and protecting the Black Hills of South Dakota. Deferred to next Thursday 2/20/25, Passed the house 63-6 and moves to Senate. PHAS, DRA & IWL support. Status as of 2/22/24.




HB 1021 modify the annual fee for concentrated animal feeding operations and to establish an application fee., Passed House 47 to 21 YEAS 47, NAYS 21, Sent to Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Status as of 2/15/25, Sent to SANR Committee – hearing 2/25/25,  Passed Senate 23-12, DRA Supports, Status as of 3/1025

HB 1072 modernize provisions relating to water development districts. , Amended and passed House  YEAS 56, NAYS 9 Passed Senate  YEAS 35, NAYS 0signed by Governor 2/20/25
HB 1107 prohibit natural asset companies. Passed House Commerce (7-5). Defeated on the House floor (28-39). DEAD – PHAS opposed.
Status as of 2/15/24.
HB 1156 provide for the administrative approval of certain drainage applications by counties. House Ag sent it to the non-existent 41st Day (10-2) DEAD. . Status as of 2/15/24.

HB 1215 provide rulemaking authority for the licensure of fishing guides, hunting guides, and outfitters, and to provide a penalty. Referred to House Ag. Hearing scheduled Tuesday. PHAS, Izaak Walton League support. Killed in Committee DEAD. Status as of 2/18/24.

HB 1258 subject lithium mining operations to certain provisions regarding permitting, annual reporting, disturbed land limitations, and mined land reclamation. Following a 6-6 tie vote on a Do Pass motion, the House Ag Committee sent this bill to the non-existent 41st Day (8-4) DEAD. PHAS supported this bill. Status as of 2/22/24

HB 1262 terminate bounty payments for nest predators, transfer moneys to the general fund, and declare an emergency. Referred to House Ag. Hearing scheduled Tuesday 2/18/25. PHAS & Izaak Walton League supported, Killed with 7 to 5 vote DEAD Status as of 2/18/24.

Senate Environmental Bills


SB 8 establish certain criminal offenses for boat operators and to provide penalties therefor. Senate Judiciary amended and passed 6-0. Passed the Senate (35-0). Moves to the House Judiciary – no hearing scheduled yet. Status as of 2/22/24.

Senate Bill 14: To revise and repeal provisions related to agricultural production facilities and to provide a penalty therefor.
This bill will allow the state to hide information on CAFOs from the public, and even muddies the waters on how local governments can access it. Senate Bill 14 revises a number of terms and provisions related to agricultural production facilities,.  Section 6, addresses transparency around confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs). PHAS opposes this bill. IN Senate Judiciary Committee  Tuesday, Jan. 28th. Passed the Senate 33-2. Moves to the House Ag &NR. No hearing scheduled yet. Status as of 2/22/24.

SB 15, A bill to expand the policy advisory committee for animal damage control,, This is just a clean up bill, to restructure the format of the law & clean up names of entities. We expected it to sail through, unopposed, However the SD Wildlife Federation wanted to seek to amend it to add more sportsmen to the Committee as the committee needs more balance of interests, but negotiated that policy change with SDGFP. Senate Ag & Natural Resources hearing on 1/23/24, Passed senate 35-0. To House Ag. Nat.Res.C. Status as of 2/22/24

*SB 46 An Act to specify the funds into which certain boat fees are
deposited. Senate Appropriations passed (9-0).Passed the Senate (33-1). Moves to House Transportation – hearing 2/25/25 at 10. Status as of 2/22/24, Izaak Walton League Supports

SB 78 authorize a change in bullet diameter for use in taking certain animals.   It permits larger bullets to be used at night, which allow silencers on guns. There is a safety concern with shooting large bullets into the dark. They move further than smaller bullets. Senate Ag passed 7-0. Passed the Senate 35-0.Moves to the House Ag.   PHAS & Izaak Walton League oppose

SB 79 permit the operation of a Class I electric bicycle on the Mickelson Trail. Passed Senate Ag (6-1). Passed the Senate 33-2. Moves to House Ag & NR, no hearing scheduled yet. Status as of 2/15/24.

YEAS 8, NAYS 3, To House Floor 3/10/25, Passed Senate Floor Status as of 3/9/25.

SB 153 require that expenditures from the department of game, fish and parks fund be budgeted through the general appropriation bill. Referred to Senate Appropriations. Hearing scheduled Thursday 2/20/25. It was tabled 8-0. LIKELY DEAD Status as of 2/22/25.

SB 202 create the water infrastructure development fund. Passed Senate Ag (6-0). Senate floor vote on 2/21/25, passed YEAS 21, NAYS 12.  Status as of 2/22/24.

     SB 212 require that pipeline applicants acquire county permits prior to submission of a permit application to the Public Utilities Commission.

Senate Commerce and Energy hearing on 2/18/25, Tabled 7-0. LIKELY DEAD , Status as of 2/22/25.

SCR 605, Promoting a resilient and healthy Black Hills forest
through active forest management and retention of the current forest products industry  Senate passed 2/19/25 YEAS 32, NAYS 2.    House waived Committee referral. House passed 2/21/25 YEAS 63, NAYS 6.

SJR 501 Providing legislative approval for a future use water permit application by the Western Dakota Regional Water System
– Bill would appropriate water for the proposed Western Dakota Regional Water System  (WDRWS) in the amount of  twenty thousand seven hundred and sixty-five acre-feet of unappropriated water from the Missouri River. Money was appropriated by legislature to study the WDRWS proposal in the past, but WDRWS is not yet built, nor is its’ construction funded. The Tribes Winter Doctrine Rights to the Missouri river are not yet litigated, so we don’t know extent of Tribes unappropriated water rights.  Water appropriations may effect “Living Rivers” part of Missouri, decreasing it’s water flow.  Changing SDGFP aggressive anti-beaver policy would help increase beaver and help retain water in Western SD – beaver dams store surface water and raise the water table, increasing ground water. Also fake beaver dams (beaver dam analogs)  imitate beaver dams functions.   We are studying the bill, but PHAS might oppose this bill once more is learned about it.
in Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources on Tuesday 21st of January.  It passed out of committee to the Senate Floor were it passed mostly on
a party line vote (but one Republican opposed it)  YEAS 31, NAYS 4. .  Sent to House Ag & NR. This has been stalled, while legislature moves bills out of houses of origins.

SB 41 clarify the minimum age requirements for a hunting license. Passed Senate Ag (6-0). Passed Senate Consent Calendar (35-0). Passed House Ag (13-0). Passed House Consent Calendar (68-0). Signed by the Governor. Status as of Status as of 2/24/25.

SB 114 restrict warrantless searches of a taxidermy business. Senate Ag sent it to the non-existent 41st Legislative Day (5-1) DEAD Status as of Status as of 2/24/25.

SB 144 require legislative approval for significant capital expenditures by the Department of Game, Fish and Parks. Senate Appropriations amended to increase size of trigger to 2.5 million &  passed Committee YEAS 9, NAYS 0,   Passed Senate Floor House Ag & Nat. Res. passed, House Floor passed 3/10/25

SCR 605, Promoting a resilient and healthy Black Hills forest
through active forest management and retention of the current forest products industry  Senate passed 2/19/25 YEAS 32, NAYS 2. House waived Committee referral. House passed 2/21/25 YEAS 63, NAYS 6.

           Good Government Bills 2025

House Good Government Bills




HB 1052  prohibit the exercise of eminent domain for a pipeline that carries carbon oxide. in House State Affairs on 1/24/25. This passed the House YEAS 49, NAYS 19. and is stalled, while legislature moves bills out of houses of origins.  Senate State Affairs passed YEAS 7, NAYS 2, Passed Senate

YEAS 23, NAYS 12., , Governor signed. DRA supports Status as of 3/9/24.

HB 1169 – modify the signature requirement for a petition to initiate a constitutional amendment.    House State Affairs amended & passed YEAS 10, NAYS 1. and the House floor passed as amended YEAS 60, NAYS 9. Senate State Affairs amended & passed YEAS 7, NAYS 1, To Senate Floor 3/10/25 were it passed, PHAS opposes,

Status as of 3/10/25

HB 1184 – amend the deadline for filing a petition to initiate a measure or constitutional amendment., House State Affairs passed   YEAS 11, NAYS 1.

2/10/25 House passed  YEAS 59, NAYS 9.,  Senate State Affairs passed

YEAS 7, NAYS 1. To Senate Floor 3/10/25 were it passed, , PHAS opposes, 

Status as of 3/10/25

HB 1246 – require the director of equalization to adjust certain agricultural land values. Referred to House Tax. Killed in Committee 3-8 vote, Dead, Status as of 2/22/24.

HB 1249 protect landowners from the use of deception, fraud,
harassment, intimidation, misrepresentation, or threat, in acquiring
easements for linear infrastructure.  Senate Commerce and Energy Committee passed YEAS 5, NAYS 4. to Senate Floor 3/10/25 were it failed, , PHAS supports,

Status as of 3/10/25

House Joint Resolution 5003  , Proposing
and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment
to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, requiring a
constitutional amendment receive an affirmative vote of two-thirds of
the votes cast before the measure is enacted. Prairie Hills Audubon Society opposes this bill This was  in House State Affairs Committee on Friday 1/17/25 – It was amended to require a 60% vote & passed on a party line vote. It passed the  House Floor on 1/22/25Party line vote: YEAS 61, NAYS 5link to vote: YEAS 61, NAYS 5., To Senate State Affairs

Passed, YEAS 6, NAYS 1. To Senate Floor 3/10/25 were it passed

Status as of 3/10/25

House Joint Resolution 5004  Proposing and submitting to
the voters at the next general election amendments to the Constitution
to the State of South Dakota, increasing the number of required
signatures on a petition to initiate an amendment or measure.
House State Affairs tabled it 2/12/25 vote was 13 to 0  – DEAD – PHAS OPPOSED, Status as of 2/22/25

~House Joint Resolution 5006  Proposing and submitting to the
voters at the next general election amendments to the Constitution of
the State of South Dakota, requiring an intervening general election
before consideration of an initiated constitutional amendment or
initiated measure having the same subject as a previously rejected
initiated amendment or measure. House State Affairs 2/12/25- Passed on party line vote YEAS 11, NAYS 2.. Passed House YEAS 62, NAYS 8. Sent to Senate State Affairs. Killed in Committee. DEAD Status as of 3/9/25, PHAS OPPOSES

Senate Good Government  Bills

*SB 188 amend eligibility to vote by absentee ballot,

Amended and passed out of Committee 6 to 3 on 2/20/25, likely to floor 2/24/25, DRA opposes. Makes voting absentee more difficult/complex

*SB 198  enhance environmental conservation in South Dakota/ -establish conditions a prospective condemn or must satisfy before commencing condemnation proceedings. (“hog housed”/switched to being about eminent domain)  , Senate State Affairs amended & passed YEAS 5, NAYS 3.,  2/21/25 failed in Senate  YEAS 17, NAYS 16, Moved for reconsideration , DRA opposes, Status as of 2/22/24.



SB 13 – A bill to clarify the effective date of a measure initiated or referred within a political subdivision, . – This cleans up vague language.

It has passed both Houses, unopposed, Signed by the Governor. Status as of 2/24/25

SB 49 prohibit the exercise of the right of eminent domain for the construction of certain facilities., Hearing in Senate State Affairs on 2/19/25, Killed 7-1. DEAD. Status as of 2/24/25



Dakota Rural Action’s Bill Tracking Spread Sheet

DRA provides a spreadsheet format to display bill tracking and
likely covers more “good government” bills & less
biodiversity/outdoor recreation than us.  You can also sign up to
receive their alerts on bills on We have used their work to help craft this web page


If you go to Camo-Coalition web page, you can sign up for the SDWF
weekly legislative updates or alerts.  Their review may help balance
out DRA, who may neglect some bills on outdoor recreation and
wildlife/biodiversity issues.

You must be a member to receive their reports and alerts. To
join west River contact We have also relied
on their reports to help craft this page




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