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Norbeck Society Zoom Meeting on American Goshawk in the Black Hills
May 9, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 8:45 pm
Thursday, May 9, 6:00: Join Norbeck Society for a Public Zoom meeting. Norbeck Presents an evening with Patricia Kennedy, Jason Bruggeman & David Anderson: “Declining American Goshawk nest site habitat suitability in the Black Hills National Forest.” Their peer-reviewed research was published recently in the Journal of Raptor Research. https://raptorresearchfoundation.org/publications/
You may read the researchers’ biographies below.*
*Goshawk Researcher Biographies:
Jason Bruggeman Ph.D., Endangered Species Monitoring Coordinator, Headwaters Corporation
Jason is the Endangered Species Monitoring Coordinator for the Platte River Recovery Implementation Program through Headwaters Corporation. His work involves monitoring and research on Piping Plovers, Interior Least Terns, and migratory Whooping Cranes on the central Platte River. Prior to joining Headwaters in 2022, Jason worked as a wildlife research biologist and biometrician as a private consultant and at the University of Minnesota. Jason led the retrospective analysis of Black Hills National Forest Goshawk data through his own consulting business, Beartooth Wildlife Research. Jason has led and designed studies involving American pikas, grassland specialist birds, and Goshawks. Jason has also worked with existing data from Arctic Peregrine Falcons, Bald Eagles, black-tailed prairie dogs, elk, and wolves. Jason obtained his Ph.D. at Montana State University in 2006 with dissertation research on bison spatial dynamics in Yellowstone National Park during winter.
Pat Kennedy Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Oregon State University
Pat is Professor Emerita in the Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology at Oregon State University. Please see this link for additional bio information on Pat: https://raptorresearchfoundation.org/blog/#pat
David Andersen Ph.D., Unit Leader, USGS Minnesota Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit
David Andersen is the Leader of the U.S. Geological Survey, Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (MN CFWRU) and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology on the St. Paul Campus of the University of Minnesota. Dr. Andersen received a Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology (1988) and a Ph.D. in Zoology (1988) from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, an M.S. in Wildlife Ecology (1984) from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a B.S. from St. Olaf College (1981). He has worked at the MN CFWRU since 1989, having conducted research in avian ecology and conservation, working with graduate students on projects involving raptors, forest-nesting birds, waterfowl, shorebirds, marshbirds, cranes, and swans. Dr. Andersen has advised or co-advised over 35 M.S. students and Ph.D. students, authored or co-authored over 100 scientific publications, and has served as Principal Investigator on dozens of research projects focused on applied avian ecology.
May 9, NS Public Zoom meeting, 6pm: Norbeck Society Presents Patricia Kennedy, Jason Bruggeman and David Anderson: “Declining Black Hills Goshawk Nest Site Habitat Suitability in a Timber Production Landscape: Effects of Abiotic, Biotic and Forest Management Factors”.