BHNF Moonwalk on Beavers at Jenny Gulch

The Black Hills National Forest will hold its second Moon Walk program of the year on Saturday, July 24 at 7:00 p.m. This will be a ½ mile educational round-trip hike. Because of limited parking, visitors are encouraged to carpool. Featured speakers Corissa Busse and Lori Brown, of The Nature Conservancy, will discuss the role […]

PHAS Field Trip Birding Along Rapid Creek West of Silver City

Founder's Park Rapid City, SD, United States

Meet at Founder's Park in Rapid City at 7:45am (gather in north side of parking lot) to depart for Silver City.  Alternatively, meet at 8:30am at Deerfield Trail's trailhead west of Silver City.

Meade County Commission Proposed Shooting Range Elk Vale Road

John Kanta at SDGFP knows about the shooting range.  Engineering plans have been drawn up. As federal funds are sought, a NEPA analysis may be done. Nancy Hilding can e-mail you a PDF of thedrawings of Rapid City Firearms Range Complex SDGFP Commission's Resolution about land purchase can be found at link (The range will be in Meade not Pennington County): […]

SDGFP Elk Action Plan

The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) is seeking comments on the draft elk action plan. All individuals interested in the management of elk in South Dakota have through August 16, 2021, to provide suggestions and comments on the draft action plan. A final draft of the action plan is scheduled to be presented […]

Prairie Hills Audubon Society’s August Meeting


                                           Topic: Mountain Lions in our Region                                                            […]


Deadline for Written Comments - Saturday 8/28/21 at midnight MT SD GFP Commission Written  Comments Written comments can be submitted at  or at To be included in the public record for September  meeting of Commission, comments must include full name and city of residence and meet the submission deadline of seventy-two hours before the meeting […]

Prairie Hills Audubon Society’s 8/28th Field Trip: Birding along Rapid Creek

Prairie Hills Audubon Society’s Field Trip: Birding along Rapid Creek just west of Silver City Saturday, August 28th 2021 at 8:30am Folks can meet at 8:30 am - at the Deerfield Trailhead, just west of Silver City.   ** Folk wishing to car pool from Rapid City gather at the north side of Founder’s Park […]

5K Run/Walk for Clean Water

5K Run/Walk for Clean Water, August 28th, 10 am orientation, 10:15 am Run/Walk begins Old Story Brook Island Picnic Shelter 2911 Canyon Lake Drive Cost $10.00 per adult over 12 years Light lunch to follow, bring your own cup For more info: Sponsored by BH-CWA, DRA-BH Chapter, Rapid Creek Watershed Action.

SDGFP Commission Meeting, Rapid City Face-to-Face

Wednesday September 1st (afternoon) - Thursday September 2nd  (morning) is the next SD Game, Fish & Parks Commission Meeting in Rapid City at Outdoor Campus West with virtual & teleconference options More meeting details will be posted by GFP on this website just before the meeting and after the meeting: September 1| 1 p.m. […]

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