SD Ornithologist Union Spring meeting at Milbank

The SD Ornithologist Union spring meeting will be held near Milbank, SD at "Abby on the Hill" in Marvin, SD. It is on the weekend of 5/19/2023-5/21/2023.  The spring SDOU […]

Endangered Species Day Celebration 2023

2023 is the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act - which President Nixon signed into law on December 28th of 1973.  Endangered Species Day is set by Congress to […]

World Turtle Day

Tuesday, May 23rd is World Turtle Day Visit Wikipedia former info. The False Map Turtle is listed as threatened on SD's list of threatened  & endangered species:

Bumble Bee Atlas Training

Bumble Bee Atlas Training at SD Game, Fish & Park's Outdoor Campus West (OCW), Rapid City,  SD, May 31st. We actually don't know the start & end time of training […]

National Trails Day – 3 Hikes on the BHNF

National Trails Day is a day set aside to celebrate America’s trail systems and their countless supporters and volunteers. For more information about this national event, visit Several SD […]

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