2022 Integrated report on Surface Water Quality. Deadline for comments is March 6, 2022

The 2022 integrated report on surface water quality is out for public review. As water quality standards are a combination of beneficial use and criteria for various pollutants (criteria specifically set for that beneficial use), if folks know of water bodies whose beneficial use has not been specifically assigned, might want to complain about that. […]

USDA Forest Service Deadline for Spruce Vegetation Management Project March 25, 2022

The USDA Forest Service welcomes your review and comments on the Spruce VegetationManagement Project, a forest-wide project to treat white spruce (Picea glauca) stands.  The Black Hills National Forest announced a scoping document for the “Spruce Vegetation Management Project,” which will involve the logging the largest spruce trees  up to 25,000 acres including via  40-acre […]

Prairie Hills Audubon Society Monthly Meeting – early March

Topic: PHAS Monthly Members Meetingearly March - Time: Thursday, March 10th, 2022 at 6:30 pm Speaker: Nancy Hilding will lead discussion, meeting to discuss proposed GFP Shooting Complex This meeting has happened - here is the link to the recording on the  Zoom Cloud Link to recording of our PHAS meeting on the shooting range: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/fzigSO30UXzwdpBtH-ZffibmOtVavO9AJH2LZJPtGHd-YDCfol2sehJd_LZW0BiB.iYuNRg2LdM8lsVwz  […]

Black Hills Area Botany & Ecology Workshop Zoom on March 17 and Online and In Person March 18 Plus Call for Speakers

 The Black Hills Area Botany & Ecology Workshop will beThe afternoon of Thursday, March 17 will be all online (via zoom) and will feature contributed talks.The morning of Friday, March 18 will be online and in-person at the Outdoor Campus West in Rapid City. It will feature a symposium on Climate Resilience and Adaptation and […]

March 31st – Comment Deadline DOE – Rare Earth Elements demonstration facility.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) wants public input by Thursday, March 31st 2022 on DOE's plan to design, construct, and build-out a demonstration facility enabling domestic rare earth element (REE) and critical mineral (CM) supply chains . Under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), DOE is required to fund a Rare Earth Elements (REE) demonstration facility. The information being […]

Prairie Hills Audubon Society Monthly Meeting – Late March

Topic: PHAS monthly meetingsTime: Late March meeting , Thursday March 31st, 2022, 6:30 pmSpeaker: Lori Brown of The Nature Conservancy (TNC) on Beaver and Beaver Dam AnalogsTo watch a recording of the meeting - "Riparian Resilience in Western SD Streams” and beaver and beaver dam analogs: https://vimeo.com/695026006 Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/85433920233?pwd=QmxYUDMvMGRrNW9yRmVON3VPU0dRZz09 Meeting ID: 854 3392 0233Passcode: 534620One tap mobile+12532158782,,85433920233#,,,,*534620# US (Tacoma)+13462487799,,85433920233#,,,,*534620# […]

April 27, 2022 Western South Dakota Hydrology Conference Plus Call for Speakers Deadline Feb 4

The 2022 Western South Dakota Hydrology Conference will be held on WednesdayApril 27, 2022 at the Monument (formerly “Rushmore Plaza Civic Center”) in RapidCity. This email serves as an abstract call (speakers and posters), vendor call, and fieldtrip leader call for the 2022 conference. Registration information:Registration information will be available in February 2022 at the […]

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