
Deadline for Written Comments - Saturday 8/28/21 at midnight MT SD GFP Commission Written  Comments Written comments can be submitted at https://gfp.sd.gov/forms/positions/  or at https://rules.sd.gov/Comments.aspx?Id=669. To be included in the public record for September  meeting of Commission, comments must include full name and city of residence and meet the submission deadline of seventy-two hours before the meeting […]

Prairie Hills Audubon Society’s 8/28th Field Trip: Birding along Rapid Creek

Prairie Hills Audubon Society’s Field Trip: Birding along Rapid Creek just west of Silver City Saturday, August 28th 2021 at 8:30am Folks can meet at 8:30 am - at the Deerfield Trailhead, just west of Silver City.   ** Folk wishing to car pool from Rapid City gather at the north side of Founder’s Park […]

5K Run/Walk for Clean Water

5K Run/Walk for Clean Water, August 28th, 10 am orientation, 10:15 am Run/Walk begins Old Story Brook Island Picnic Shelter 2911 Canyon Lake Drive Cost $10.00 per adult over 12 years Light lunch to follow, bring your own cup For more info: www.bhcleanwateralliance.org Sponsored by BH-CWA, DRA-BH Chapter, Rapid Creek Watershed Action.

SDGFP Commission Meeting, Rapid City Face-to-Face

Wednesday September 1st (afternoon) - Thursday September 2nd  (morning) is the next SD Game, Fish & Parks Commission Meeting in Rapid City at Outdoor Campus West with virtual & teleconference options More meeting details will be posted by GFP on this website just before the meeting and after the meeting: https://gfp.sd.gov/commission/information/ September 1| 1 p.m. […]

Rapid City Izaak Walton League Meeting

Oct. 6 -  Rapid City Izaak Walton League (Ike's) Meeting Izaak Walton League Rapid City Chapter meeting at 6:30pm. Meeting will be held at Outdoor Campus West and virtually. Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/89844558721?pwd=cjJLSmdnUXhaSTVNQmh2S3R5ZHFBQT09 Meeting ID: 898 4455 8721Passcode: 123949One tap mobile+16699006833,,89844558721#,,,,*123949# US (San Jose)+12532158782,,89844558721#,,,,*123949# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location        +1 669 900 6833 US (San […]

Oct 22 Jenny Gulch October 22, 2021 Comments Due – Jenny Gulch Gold Exploration Drilling Project

The Draft EA is now available for the proposed Jenny Gulch Gold Exploration Drilling Project (Project). The Draft EA is currently available for a 30-day agency and public review period, with all Project materials located on the Black Hills National Forest website at: https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=57428. During this time, comments on the Draft EA may be submitted via US […]

Norbeck Society Update on State of Forest Jeff Tomac Zoom


THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2021 AT 6 PM – 7:30 PM An Update on the State of the Forest ~ Supervisor Jeff Tomac on OHVs, Timber & Forest Planning The meeting will begin with a brief update followed by the main presentation. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89253570312 Meeting ID: 892 5357 0312 One tap mobile: +12532158782,,89253570312# US (Tacoma) […]

Christmas Bird Count Dec 14th Thru Jan 5, 2022

All official counts will be held between the dates Tuesday, December 14th, 2021 through, Wednesday, January 5th, 2021. To learn more  downloaded in PDF format at Scribd or Christmas Bird Counts

SD Greater Sage Grouse Action Plan out for Comment

SD Greater Sage Grouse Action Plan out for Comment   The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) is seeking comments on the draft greater sage-grouse action plan. They have also released a new management plan revision.   All individuals interested in the management of greater sage-grouse in South Dakota have from now through December […]

Deadline For Comments January 5, 2022 – BHNF Timbersale

Deadline January 5, 2022 - BHNF Timbersale   The Black Hills NF issued a scoping notice for the “Woods Project” on the Bearlodge Ranger District in Wyoming.   The Forest Service is proposing logging across 3,179 acres (~5 square miles) spread across a wide area which will include: 839 acres of thinning of mature trees only […]

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