landscape photo of a lake

Recorded Meetings

Meetings are first recorded to Zoom Cloud & later transferred to Vimeo for long term storage. On Dec 16th, 2024, some were deleted from Zoom Cloud but not yet posted to Vimeo



Prairie Hills Audubon Society’s December 16th – 6:30 pm,  meeting to discuss
Mining Threats to our Area – 2024 Updates on Mineral Exploration & Mining Projects,
with Lilias Jarding, Gary Placco and Les Wolff as speakers. Lilias Jarding maintains a copyright on her Powerpoint, so it you want to excerpt and share her material, beyond your own viewing and forwarding this link, contact her –

Share  Zoom Link



Prairie Hills Audubon Society’s September 25th – 6:30 pm,  meeting to discuss SDGFP  draft Revised October version of Mt Lion Action Plan

This recording has been deleted from Zoom Cloud but
not yet posted to Vimeo

LInk to Zoom recording of this Sept 25th meeting on cougars:

Passcode: U0qyc=2I



Prairie Hills Audubon Society’s June 10th, 2024 meeting on greater sage grouse & BLM’s rewrite of Resource Management plans. Erik Molvar of Western Watershed Projects speaking

This recording has been deleted from Zoom Cloud but not yet posted to Vimeo

  Zoom Cloud storage link

Passcode: 9s=&9guS  

May 17th, 2024 – ESDC
Prairie Hills
Audubon Society, Co-sponsored Endangered Species 
Day Celebration on Friday May 17th, 2024.  Here are the links to the recording 
on the Zoom Cloud:

Passcode: 0p2eP.B9



 March 26th, 2024

Prairie Hills Audubon Society’s  March 26th, 2024 Members Monthly Meeting,  Topics- volunteering for SDGFP to monitor American Dipper and Osprey nests.  Volunteering for BHNF to help build beaver dam analogs (imitation beaver dams) on Forest Service streams in northern Hills.

This recording has been deleted from Zoom Cloud but not yet posted to Vimeo


February 26th, 2024
Prairie Hills Audubon Society’s  February 26th, 2024 Members Monthly Meeting

National Audubon Society Staff of Great Plains Audubon , Joshua Lefers and Meghan Johnson Carter, talking about GPA activities in SD, ND and NE, Link (The zoom link temporarily unavailable (5/17/24) use vimeo link instead)


The recording has been posted to vimeo, use this link –

 link to recording vimeo:


February 17th, 2024

Piedmont (Foothills Area) Legislative Cracker Barrel

February 17th, 2024
Prairie Hills Audubon Society is one of the sponsors of this Cracker Barrel.
Legislators from District 33 and 19 are invited. It happens annually on the afternoon
of February’s second or third Saturday at the Piedmont Valley American Legion. 

Piedmont (Foothills Area) Legislative Crackerbarrel February 17th, 2024, Legislators from Districts 29 & 33 invited is now on Vimeo –

Piedmont (Foothills Area) Legislative Crackerbarrel February 17th, 2024, Legislators from Districts 29 & 33 invited


PHAS November 2023 meeting on Raccoons

November 29th, 2023
There are two recordings of this meeting (for two speakers).  Discussion of event’s topics/speakers can be found at this link:
The first half of the meeting, was about raccoons.  The initial recording was accidentally cut off towards the end of Q&A on the raccoon presentation. Recording of meeting starts again in the next recording  where the end of first speaker’s  presentation precedes the second speakers presentation.  Nancy Hilding’s presentation is on SD Game, Fish and Park’s policy with respect to meso-carnivores – especially the Nest Predator Bounty Program and hound hunting of raccoons. 
Links to part 1 and part 2 
Part 1 Katherine’s presentation on raccoons:   
Part 2 – The end of Katherine’s & all of Nancy’s presentation:
To lean more about the Nest Predator Bounty Program go to PHAS web page on it



PHAS late October 2023 meeting on Protecting French Creek from Pollution

The recording is posted to Vimeo, but we are not posting the recording’s link here. Please contact: Nancy Hilding, <>  605-787-6466 or Todd Koneche  <> to get the recording’s links. Discussion of the event:

PHAS Annual Meeting 

August 31st, 2023
Erik Molvar’s Zoom Presentation on protecting Greater Sage Grouse was recorded,
PHAS early June meeting on Mining in Black Hills
June 5th, 2023
Speaker Lilias Jarding
Lilias holds a copyright on her powerpoint. To use it, ask her –
PHAS Early June Networking Meeting on Mountain Lions – 6/4/23
Networking meetings are not recorded
Endangered Species Day Celebration – 
Friday, May 19th, 2023
Speakers – 4 speakers, Amity Bass, Ellen Whittle, Renee Lile, Eileen Dowd Stuckel (via powerpoint), 
Renee Lile <> (one of the speakers about bats) retains a copy right on her graphs & models , She writes: “Population growth models of MYSE are still in progress as part of Renee Lile’s PhD research. Do not disseminate”
PHAS Late April Strategy Meeting 4/30/23.
Discussion meetings with members on our conservation strategy are not recorded. You need to have attended and listened.
Prairie Hills Audubon Society’s Early April meeting – 
Tuesday, April 4th, 2023 6:30 pm
Topics: Black Hills National Forest  Issues
Speakers: Mary Zimmerman & Dave Mertz
This  meeting was recorded, posted to Vimeo and has a hyperlink, but we don’t generally post strategy meetings to web site.  If you want a copy of this meeting, contact Nancy Hilding for the Zoom recording’s link – 605-787-6466 or
Prairie Hills Audubon Society February 28th, 2023 meeting Tuesday, February 28th, 2023 6:30 pm ,Topics: National Audubon Society’s staff activities and programs in the Dakotas Speakers: Meghan Carter-Johnson


Prairie Hills Audubon Society July, 2022 meeting

Jointly sponsored with Black Hills Group Sierra Club and Norbeck Society

Thursday, July 28th, 2022 6:30 pm

Topics: Black Hills Forest Plan Revision Assessments

Speakers: Lou Conroy and Trey Schillie

Link to recording:

Vimeo Link: 

Prairie Hills Audubon Society did not have a formal members meeting in June 2022

We had some an informal working meeting, but those are not recorded


Prairie Hills Audubon Society May 20th, 2022 meeting

2022 Endangered Species Day Celebration

Jointly sponsored with 9 other conservation organizations

Friday: May 20th, 2022 6:00 PM

Topics: Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, Wolves and Wildflowers, Northern Long Eared Bat

Speakers: Eileen Dowd Stukel, Melissa Smith, Pat Clark, Riley Bernard PhD, Bradley Phillips

Link to recording:

Vimeo link:


Prairie Hills Audubon’s April 28th, 2022 meeting

Thursday: April 28th, 2022 6:30 pm

Topic: Update on Mining Threats to the Black Hills

Speakers: Lilias Jarding, PhD

Lilias has a copyright restriction on use of her powerpoint

Link to recording:

Vimeo link:


Prairie Hills Audubon’s March 31st, 2022 meeting

Thursday: March 31st 2022, 6:30 pm
Topic: Beavers and Beaver Dam Analogs – “Riparian Resilience in Western SD Streams” 
Speakers: Lori Brown, The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
Link to recording:


Prairie Hills Audubon’s March 10th, 2022 meeting

Thursday: March 10th, 2022, 6:30 pm
Topic: SDGFP Proposed Shooting Complex NE of Rapid City
Speakers: Nancy Hilding & Matt Kammerer
Link to recording:


 Prairie Hills Audubon’s January 26th (Historic meeting recorded)

Wednesday, January 26th 2022
Topic: Audubon Dakota – State Office Update
Speakers: Meghan Carter & Amanda Booher from Audubon Dakota,

Link to recording:

 Vimeo link:


Our 2020 & 2021 meetings recorded on Zoom cloud or Vimeo


Prairie Hills Audubon Society’s  August Meeting (Historic meeting recorded)

Monday, August 16th, 2021, 6 pm MT  

Topic:Mountain Lions in our Region and other issues related to SD Game Fish and Parks.

We will show the SDGFP powerpoint, shown to the SDGFP Commission in July, that provides updates on the GFP’s estimates of the Mountain Lion population on the SD side of the Black Hills. We discuss cougar management in SD’s Prairie Unit & on some tribal lands in SD, cougar management in Nebraska as the Pine Ridge Ecosystem exists in both States on both tribal/non-tribal land. We will also discuss cougar management in Wyoming, as the Black Hills is in both states.  North Dakota & Montana will also be covered.



Prairie Hills Audubon Society’s (PHAS) June membership Zoom meeting

Wednesday June 30th, 2021, 6:00 pm MT (Historic meetings- recording on Vimeo ) 

Speaker: Michael M. Pollock of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is our speaker. 

Topic: Working with beaver for the benefit of people, fish, wildlife and biological diversity




PHAS May Meeting is Endangered Species Day  (Historic meetings- recording on Vimeo ) 

Celebrate America’s 16th Annual Endangered Species Day 

May 21st, 2021, 6 pm

PHAS will co-host west River SD’s Endangered Species Day Celebration. Charlene Bessken of the USFWS in Pierre SD spoke to us about two topics:

1. SD’s Federally listed species and give us updates on what has happened with SD listed species in the last 2 years.

2. SD’s bumble bees, which are listed or have been petitioned for listing – 

Listed:  Rusty-patched Bumblebee, Petitioned:  Western Bumblebee, American Bumblebee, and Variable Cuckoo Bumble Bee

 Link to recording of meeting:


Prairie Hills Audubon Society (PHAS) April Zoom Member’s Meeting.(Historic meetings- recording on Vimeo ) 

Thursday April 29th, 2021,  6:30 pm MT

2 topics: 1. SD GFP & killing of predators and also 2. BHNF over-cutting of conifers.

During the program we showed a video film, “Cull of the Wild” “The Truth behind Trapping” 

Link to recording of PHAS’s entire meeting


Prairie Hills Audubon Society (PHAS) March Zoom Member’s Meeting.(Historic meetings- recording on Vimeo) 

Wednesday, March 31st, 2021, 6:30 pm MT

will be Cory Allen Heidelberger editor and publisher of  Dakota Free Press, , who will be speaking about:

Initiative and Referendum in South Dakota

What is the status of our right to initiative and referendum  after years of monkeywrenching from the Legislature and court challenges.

Link to  vimeo recording:


February PHAS meeting (Historic meetings- recording on Vimeo )

Thursday, February 25th, 2021, 6:30 PM MT 

Topic:  Tribal Efforts to Conserve Biodiversity 

Speakers: Emily Boyd Valandra, Biologist, Rosebud Sioux Tribe’s Dept. of Natural Resources – Game, Fish & Parks,

Shaun Grassel, PhD, Wildlife Biologist, Lower Brule Sioux Tribe’s Dept. of Wildlife, Fish & Recreation.

Learn about the challenges and successes in conserving biodiversity on tribal lands in South Dakota.

Link to  vimeo recording:


JANUARY PHAS Meeting (Historic meetings- recording on Vimeo ) 

Wednesday, January 27th, 2021, 6:30 PM MT (History)

Topic: Audubon Dakota – State Office Update 

Speakers: Megan Carter, Audubon Dakota, 

The National Audubon Society’s field office for SD & ND works on the restoration & conservation efforts at the Wolsey Crane Stopover Important Bird Area.  Audubon has community science projects across the country such as Audubon’s 121st Christmas Bird Count & the Winter 2021 Climate Watch survey (currently underway). Learn more about Audubon Dakota’s programs & how you can also help birds.  

Link to recording of meeting:




NOVEMBER PHAS ZOOM MEETING (Historic meetings – recording on Vimeo )

Monday, November 30th, 2020 6:30 PM MT

Topic: Title: Climate Watch: Monitoring Birds in a Changing Climate

Speakers: Kathy Dale, National Audubon Society’s Director of Science Technology

Audubon’s newest community science effort, Climate Watch, seeks to understand how birds are being affected by climate change and to test the future range change predictions for U.S. species. Learn about Audubon’s Climate Watch program, the science that is its foundation and current results. Kathy will talk about Audubon’s ground-breaking work to model the future of birds’ response to climate change and the way you can help ground-truth how your birds are responding.

Link to recording of meeting


OCTOBER  PHAS MEETING by Zoom (Historic – recording on Vimeo )

Thursday, October 29th, 2020, 6:30 PM MT

Topic: Recent Mining Issues in the Black Hills

Speakers: Lilias Jarding, Ph.D., Black Hills Clean Water Alliance

Hearing a lot about mining and potential mining in the Black Hills? It’s not an accident. We’re part of an international gold rush. Learn more about this, uranium mining, and a plan to protect the central Black Hills.

Lilias has a copyright restriction on use of her powerpoint

 Link to recording of meeting:


September  PHAS Meeting ((Historic – recording on Vimeo )

July 31st 

Time:  Tuesday, September 29th, 2020 6:30 PM MT

Topic: Conservation of Black-backed Woodpeckers in the Black Hills

Speakers: Chad Hanson, Ph.D., research ecologist

Dr. Hanson will discuss the threats to the Black Hills subspecies of the Black-backed Woodpecker, including logging, fire suppression, and small population size due to limited suitable habitat. He will suggest key conservation steps that should be taken to ensure viable populations. 



August PHAS Meeting by Zoom  (Historic – recording on Vimeo )

Time:  Thursday, August 27th, 2020, 6:30 PM MT

Topic: Black Hills National Forest - timber sustainability and the implications of overharvesting

Speakers: Mary Zimmerman, volunteer for the Norbeck Society; Dave Mertz, retired forester 

Dave and Mary will talk about the implications of over-harvesting on the forest. Their presentations may include some power-points, videos, discussion and answering questions.



July PHAS meeting by Zoom (Historic – recording on Vimeo )

July 31st 

Topic: Structural Stages and Species Viability, BHNF

Time: Friday July, 31st, 2020, 6:30 PM MT

Speaker: Kristopher Hennings, Forest Wildlife

Program Manager, Black Hills National Forest



MAY 29th  PHAS Meeting by Zoom ( (Historic – recording on Vimeo )

 Friday, May 29th, 6:30 pm MT

 “Timber Growth and Yield Draft General Technical Report” 

– a report that documents the Forest’s not sustainable cut. 

Speaker: Jonathan Word, BHNF’s Natural Resources Staff Officer.

Link to his powerpoint



APRIL 29th PHAS Meeting by Zoom  (Historic – recording on Vimeo )

Topic: South Dakota’s River Otters

Apr 29, 2020, 6:30 PM 

Speaker: Silka Kempema of SD Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) Wildlife Diversity Program 

  Link to recording of meeting:   

A little late starting the recording and missed the first three slides, which included 1. the powerpoint’s title slide, 2. a slide called Mustelid – which had 4 characteristics listed (carnivore, long body, short legs, scent glands) and 3. a slide called Biology, which had 3 points.- (adapted to life in water, indicator of water quality, associated with beaver.)


 MARCH 31st, PHAS Meeting by Zoom  ( (Historic – recording on Vimeo )

Topic: Fight to Save the Greater Sage Grouse –  

Speaker:  Erik Molvar, Western Watersheds Project was the speaker





 February 28th,Face-to-face, with no recording

 February’s membership meeting was on GFP program on Nest Predator Bounty Program at West River Electric Co-op building, 



