At Risk Species Action Alert

 March 12th, 2025, deadline to comment on the USFWS proposed listing of the monarch butterfly as threatened, under the ESA. 
On December 10, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (FWS) proposed that the monarch butterfly be listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. A 90-day public comment period on the proposal is open until March 12. The final decision on the proposal is scheduled to come in 2026.
Today, the eastern migratory population is estimated to have declined by approximately 80%. The western migratory population has declined by more than 95% since the 1980s, putting the western populations at greater than 99% chance of extinction by 2080. During this same period, the probability of extinction for eastern monarchs ranges from 56 to 74%, according to the Service’s most recent species status assessment.
For more information:
SDGFP solicits comments on their Biennial Review of the State of SD Threatened and Endangered Species – November  7th, 2024

Sunday Nov 3rd & Thursday Nov 7th-Friday Nov 8th, – SD Game, Fish and Park (SDGFP) Commission’s Comment Deadline & Hybrid meeting


At this November 7th meeting the Commission will be reviewing the biennial review of the State’s Threatened and Endangered (T & E) Species list.  SD has its’ own T & E list and and the list is a set of administrative rules managed by the Commission.  This list is separate and different from the Federal list.   Here is the 2024  Biennial T & E status review:

Link to SDGFP’s current list of Threatened and Endangered Species

SDCL requires them to review the list every two years. 

For info on Sunday Midnight CT written Comment Deadline:

For info on SDGFP  Comm. Thursday Nov 7th-Friday Nov 8th,  Hybrid Meeting (Oral testimony by Zoom allowed)::

In the past (2020)  Prairie Hills Audubon Society has petitioned for rule making to list the lake chub and the greater sage grouse  as T & E and petitions were rejected.

The black bear used to listed on the SD T &E list, it was removed, I think about 2006 due to alleged extirpation. Black bears are now showing up in the Bearlodge Ranger District of the Black Hills in Wyoming and in SD side also, but they are said to all be male immigrants from the Rockies, and no one has yet to see a sow (female) and her cubs.     SD is seeing fishers showing up in NE SD, but they are all alleged to be immigrant males and no proof of breeding. SD
mountain lions were extirpated and then recovered by migration from the
Rockies so we can look forward to black bear  & fisher recovery.
The wolf is not listed on SD’s list, as there are wolf sightings in SD but  the wolves are alleged to be transient immigrants, with no proof of breeding. The wolves in SD are protected under federal listing, but may not be for long as there is an attempt to de-list gray wolves (but not Mexican wolves).

While the USFWS has invertebrates and plants listed as T&E species, the Commission has never chosen to list invertebrates or plants, although they could do so.


South Dakota in 2024 is revising it’s Wildlife Action Plan, this is on a 10 year cycle and every 10 years they re-create an Wildlife Action Plan to quality for federal funds. There was an opportunity to comment on the draft list of species of greatest conservation need, back in the summer of 2024. If Recovering America’s Wildlife Act is ever funded by the federal congress, it links to the state’s Wildlife Action Plans.

Link to the current (existing) SD GFP Wildlife Action Plan (See appendix C for profiles of Species of Greatest Conservation Need):


 Contact SD Senators & Representatives about Recovering America’s Wildlife Act . 

Recovering America’s Wildlife Act would appropriate  almost 1.4 billion per year to states and tribes  on “at risk wildlife and plants” (with 97.5 million for tribes to spend).  – ask them to support it in 2024

The Senate Bill 1149 (RAWA) did not pass the Senate in 2023.   This year  (2024) RAWA may move forward as a stand alone bill or attached to some other bill. 

The House is working on an alternative (different) bill with less money allocated, paid for by raiding other environmental funds, with different provisions & some “poison pills” — “the America’s Wildlife Habitat Conservation Act (AWHCA) cleared the House Committee on Natural Resources with a 21-17 vote along party lines”



     The bill had been reintroduced in the Senate in 2023 for the 118th Congress, as it did not make it out of the federal senate in 2022 (117th Congress). Senator Thom Tillis, R of N.C., was sponsoring the legislation in 2023 with Senator Martin Heinrich D of N.M — S 1149, link to bill page: .  



     This is a very important bill for “at risk” wildlife and plants in America. Please contact our senators & representatives about it.

Senate and house bill versions both passed out of committee in 2022 and the house version of RAWA passed  on June 14th, 2022 in a  231-190  – Johnson voted against it.  His phone: 202-225-2801. 

        As of late May 2022 – our Senators had not committed to support or oppose, just express concerns about funding sources.  Rounds – he wanted a sunset clause. Senators:Thune (202) 224-2321, Rounds (202) 224-5842

Here is a National Wildlife Federation 2022 Alert on this matter:

Here is the National Audubon Society (NAS) 2022 Alert on the matter:

NAS’s on-line summary of federal appropriations for wildlife as of December 2022 –

The need for this bill was discussed at our 2022 Endangered Species Day Celebration by Eileen Dowd Stukel of SDGFP:    Her discussion starts at about 6:15 and runs for 55 minutes.

SDGFP Budget Information

Link to SD GFP Wildlife Action Plan (See appendix C for profiles of Species of Greatest Conservation Need):

Link to SDGFP list of Threatened and Endangered Species

We have been asking for years for SDGFP to create a fund in SD where citizens can voluntarily donate to the state’s wildlife diversity program to fund projects for our states species of greatest conservation need – habitat protection, population research, research to threats, whatever is needed.  We are told by GFP staff we need the legislature to approve a bill to allow that. We kind of doubt that, but if it is true, we need to get legislators and other groups to support such an effort. So on our to-do list is to figure out how to do this and which legislators to ask to carry such a bill and gather support for such a program. 
