Chimera Timber Sale Comment Deadline 4/7/23

The draft environmental assessment (EA) for the Chimera Fuels Reduction Project (Chimera Project) is available for review and comment. It is located east of Lead/Deadwood, SD and south of Sturgis, SD, encompassing the Boulder Canyon, Galena, and Vanocker Canyon areas. The draft EA is available for review by visiting the project website at: The Forest […]

SDOU Field Trip at Outdoor Campus East (Sioux Falls)

SD Ornithologist Union (SDOU) field trip at one of the Outdoor Campuses  led by Chris Anderson. >, 605-254-2550 There are 2 Outdoor Campuses in SD -- one in the East (Sioux Fall) and the West (Rapid City) and the SDOU announcement did not specific which Campus. Chris Anderson lives in Sioux Falls and has clarified […]

Comments due to SDGFP on Draft Prairie Grouse Management Plan

  Comments due to SDGFP on Draft Prairie Grouse Management Plan April 10th The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) is seeking comments on the draft “Prairie Grouse Action Plan for South Dakota, 2023-2027.”All individuals interested in prairie grouse management in South Dakota may provide suggestions and comments on the revised plan in its […]

Deadline Scoping Comments on Newark Exploration Project (mining)

Newark Exploration Project The comment deadline has been extended.While the district will consider scoping comments at any time, they will be most helpful if submitted by April 10, 2023. This is a mine exploratory drilling project on Forest Service (FS) land in  Custer County. Suggested deadline for the FS receipt of scoping letters  was March […]

Comment Deadline Wharf Large Scale Mine Permit Application

This is about another new expansion of about 46 acres for Wharf . Written objections to, statements in support of, or petitions to intervene and become a party to the proceedings pursuant to ARSD 74:29:01:09 must be filed with the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources no later than April 13, 2023. Comments may be […]

Norbeck Society April Zoom Meeting

Norbeck Society April 13 Meeting on Zoom The Society  hopes you can join them for their monthly meeting Linda Black Elk, Ethnobotanist:  Storytelling as Environmental Advocacy:  6 pm MDT, April 13   Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 881 7362 1695 Passcode: 577331 One tap mobile: +13052241968,,88173621695#,,,,*577331# US Dial by your location:   +1 305 224 […]

Bat Appreciation Day

April 17th is International Bat Appreciation Day. As the weather warms and hibernation ends, we’ll start seeing more of our bat pals out and about. So take today to appreciate bats and all they do to ensure a thriving and healthy ecosystem! In SD, especially the Black Hills, we  have the northern long eared bat […]

BHNF – Comment deadline on 3 road & 1 trail repair projects in Northern Hills

BHNF - Scoping comment deadline on 3 road repair and 1 trail repair projects in Northern Hills. The projected deadline is April 16th , but as that is a Sunday, the deadline may actually be Monday the 17th, as normally deadlines on Sundays and holidays are moved. Three of these are about land owners […]

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